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管理培訓 - 鮑烈治管理評審

Management Systems Assessment: Malcolm Baldrige Framework of Performance Excellence

Target Participants: Middle and senior management staff


Suggested Class Size: 25


Duration: 09:00 – 17:00

Objective: To gain a holistic perspective of the organization management systems and their interrelationship through learning the Baldrige Model of Performance Excellence (a renowned management framework originated from the US Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award)

Highlights of the Program

  1. Learn the concepts and applications of Baldrige Framework

  2. Identify organization’s strengths, opportunities for improvement, and gaps in management systems

  3. Take inventory of the organization performance against various dimensions

  4. Measure how mature the current management systems are and the pace of organization performance improvement

  5. How to continuously improve organization performance and competitiveness

  6. Real-life cases will be shared by the trainer who had helped clients apply the Baldrige Framework and three of them subsequently won the Hong Kong Management Association’s Quality Awards (Gold Award, Bronze Award and Certificate of Merit) 






時間:09:00 – 17:00



  1. 尋找機構管理系統的強項、改善空間,以及管理系統缺漏

  2. 全方位檢討管理系統所能帶來的成效

  3. 了解現時管理系統的成熟程度

  4. 客觀地量度整體機構表現改善的進度

  5. 如何持續提升機構表現與競爭力

  6. 培訓導師亦同時是雋博管理顧問,他將分享三個本地實踐個案,如何應用鮑烈治管理典範體系提升機構管理成效,並先後奪得香港管理專業協會之管理獎金獎、銅獎及優異獎。


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