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管理培訓 - 業務流程改善及創新

Business Process Improvement & Reengineering

Target Participants: Management and supervisory staff


Suggested Class Size: 25


Duration: 09:00 – 17:00

Objective: To help participants understand the concepts, roadmap, tools and practices in implementing process improvement initiatives


Highlights of the Program

  1. Definitions, concepts and roadmap of process improvement and reengineering

  2. Identification of core processes and process stakeholders

  3. Process improvement tools and techniques; process redesign templates

  4. Change execution: solicit buy-in and consensus building, handle change resistance

  5. Cases sharing (from business, government, and non-profit sectors)

  6. Group discussion, peer learning and sharing, games and activities

  7. Group practice exercise on process improvement






時間:09:00 – 17:00




  1. 流程改善及流程創新的定義、概念,以及推行路線圖

  2. 機構核心流程及流程持份者

  3. 流程改善工具及技巧;常用流程改善構思

  4. 推行改革:如何爭取認同及凝聚共識、如何處理變革阻力

  5. 個案分享 (商界、政府,及非牟利機構個案)

  6. 小組討論、分享、遊戲、活動

  7. 小組研習真實流程改善個案


Dicky had conducted workshops for BU since 2012. Evaluation ratings for the workshops were always high and comments of participants were very positive

Margaret Tam, 高級人力資源經理 - 香港浸會大學


Hong Kong              (852) 2234-0383

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